EKP at BIO-Art Lab
Were it not for the Bio Lab at the BFA Department at the School of Visual Arts, I would not be able to produce much of the photos and videos of the small animal and wildlife of English Kills. Suzanne Anker, Chair of the BFA, founded this lab in 2011. This is the only level one bio-lab at a fine arts school in the country. I do my microscopy and magnifications here. Suzanne, invited me to conduct a talk for her Bio-Art class. Though I no longer work for SVA and Suzanne, I was still able to show some of my former students who were taking this course what I have been working on all these years. It wouldn’t be much of a lecture if we didn’t have an appearance from the Great Egret. I think it took the students by surprise. Overall, I think that Suzanne and the class was pleased. Check out the Bio-Art Lab website for more information about this innovative space.